Diverse Applications Of Water Treatment Plant

Posted by Admin on March, 02, 2012

As one can understand by the name, Water Treatment Plant is required to treat the impure/waste water and make it usable and even drinkable. In Water Treatment Plant, wastewater is treated by carrying out different processes such as filtration, sedimentation, chlorination, coagulation, disinfection, etc. Today, while most of the nations are witnessing huge water scarcity, countries like United States of America and Saudi Arabia are making the best of Water Treatment Plants for utilizing the seawater.

How Do Water Treatment Plants Help?
Wastewater is collected from different sources such as commercial properties, homes, industries, etc. In a Water Treatment Plant, different radioactive, physical, chemical, biological and gaseous contaminants are eradicated from the wastewater. There are a number of processes involved to treat and neutralize the wastewater. The most common processes are screening, disinfection, sedimentation, sand filtration, pumping, aeration and neutralization. After undergoing all these processes, water is used for a number of industrial as well as domestic applications. Most of the treated water is utilized for landscape irrigation. Water treated by more advanced processes is utilized for diverse municipal applications.

Different Types Of Water Treatment Plants:
Generally, the assembly of Water Treatment Plant involves water filters, screening equipment, ozone generator, oil water separators, sludge treatment equipment and many others. These apparatuses may and may not come with every Water Treatment Plant. Following are some of the water treatment applications that are performed by different types of Water Treatment Plants:

Filtration System: Filtration System is quite suitable for industries such as Textile, Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Hospitality, Automobile, etc.

Reverse Osmosis Plant: Reverse Osmosis Plant is required for different industrial as well as domestic water treatment applications. Reverse Osmosis Plant is extensively used to purify water at the domestic set ups. Besides, Reverse Osmosis Plant is also used for biomedical separations and ultra filtration in laboratories and power industry. Apart from this, Reverse Osmosis Plant is also required in food and beverage processing.

Demineralized Water System: Demineralized Water System is mainly required in two stage & multi stage DM plants and manual/automatic plants. There are several industries such as Textiles, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Automobile, etc. which use Demineralized Water System for different water treatment applications.

Electro Deionization System: Electro Deionization System is essentially required in medical sector, power industry and engineering sector.

Apart from the different types discussed here, there are numerous other types of Water Treatment Plants. While one is to Buy Water Treatment Plants, some important factors like make, installation and maintenance must be considered.

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